The Four Elusive States

        workbookFor a number of years, I have had the desire to conduct prayer seminars in all fifty states in the United States. 
There are four elusive states where there have been no seminars: Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, and Utah. There have been inquiries from folks living in these states, but so far no invitations. 
        A prayer seminar requires six hours to cover the prayer seminar workbook (in English; add a little more time when we use an interpreter). Of course, we need a place to meet (a church, a hall, a home, or an outside area conductive to setting up chairs). We need someone to coordinate the event, which includes inviting others.
        Since JGHM operates as a faith ministry, there is no charge or set fee for a seminar. We appreciate a love offering for the ministry, but if there is not one penny given we rejoice at the opportunity to share the word of God. Although we suggest a $5 contribution for the prayer seminar workbook, everyone is given the Prayer Seminar Workbook whether there is a gift or not. When possible, it is helpful to have assistance with travel and lodging (a home is fine!).
For initial seminars in the four elusive states, our ministry will gladly pay the travel expense.
         So, what do you think? First, following Paul’s model, I solicit prayer support for open doors. Second, please let any of your friends/pastors in these states know about the AVAILABILIY of the prayer seminar ministry. God, in His providence, has kept His hand on the prayer seminar ministry. There is not been one seminar (currently there have been 1,375 seminars) where the Holy Spirit has not moved to bring the Word of God is alive.        
        Paul said to the Romans: “I am ready” to share the Word of God. That is my spirit, also.
Here are some testimonies:
        Of all the speakers I’ve heard speak about prayer, no one has touched my heart more than Dr. Henry. He does not come with enticing words, but rather the Word of God. And when he begins speaking on prayer, you begin to sense the Spirit of God moving in and through the congregation and upon people’s lives. He just takes you to the Word—the best book on prayer I know.” 
    Dr. John A. Hash, President-Founder
    Bible Pathway Ministries
    Murfreesboro TN
        On behalf of all of us here at Park Avenue, I want to thank you, again, for the blessings of this past Sunday. I believe that it will go down as one of the great days in the history of our church, as far as spiritual growth is concerned. God used you in a mighty way and we give Him the glory for all that He did through you.
    Bob Mowrey, Pastor
    Park Avenue Baptist Church
    Nashville TN
        I am unable to find the words to express the joy and deep appreciation for the prayer seminar you conducted in our church Sunday, November 30. I do not believe I have ever attended any seminar, or training conference of any type, that was more helpful to me than your prayer seminar. I am confident I speak for our members, as well.
    Joe A. Williams, Pastor
    First Baptist Church
    Vernon AL
        One of the great blessings of our Nigerian Crusade was the prayer seminars conducted by Dr. Henry. Not only were the lives of the Nigerians blessed, the American pastors received a true revival in their lives. The Holy Spirit uses the Word of God in each seminar to make a difference.
    Dr. Gene M. Williams, President Emeritus
    Luther Rice Seminary
    Lithonia GA
        I certainly wish to express my appreciation for your coming and sharing the prayer seminar October 5. This seminar has made a difference in my life, my wife’s life, and the lives of many people in the congregation. I appreciated the practical handles that you shared which made it helpful to implement prayer in our lives. I’ve known for years that I ought to pray more. Your practical helps showed me how to do it. Thanks again—keep up this worthwhile ministry.
        “I knew that!” is an often repeated phrase today, and for many a pastor in the prayer seminar, it could be phrased, “I taught that!” So often, however, is that “other voice” that is heard. Dr. Henry is just such a voice bringing a seminar on prayer that refreshes and revitalizes the weary heart with long-known truths and fresh, exhilarating insights. Our one day with Dr. Henry has changed the prayer lives of our people as God’s Word was used to challenge, uplift, exhort, and instruct. Any one of us would do well to give more time to prayer; any church would do well to give one day to prayer with Dr. Henry.
    George A. Garancosky, Jr., Pastor
    Faith Baptist Church
    Beaver Springs PA
        What a delight it was to have you share your love for the Lord and the informative prayer seminar. The comments were numerous this year, even more so than last year. Many were moved to grow closer to the Lord and to be consistent in their prayer lives.
    Dr. J. Bruce Sofia, Senior Pastor
    Gloucester County Community Church
    Sewell NJ
        Thank you, thank you, thank you—for the prayer seminar. Can people sit for over six hours to be instructed in the work of prayer? They can! Time speeds, interest grows, and conviction comes by the Holy Spirit. Growth and change come out of the Holy Spirit’s work as your prayer seminar proceeds. I have heard only positive, and grateful, expressions of appreciation for the changes God has produced. I can say without hesitation that I learned more about prayer in the seminar than I learned in seminary and in over thirty years of pastoral ministry. Your humble help was felt by so many people here. I will pray for you as long as I live, and for your ministry.
    Dr. Harris J. Verkaik, Pastor
    Calvary Reformed Church
    South Holland IL
        The spiritual impact of our recent prayer seminar will surely be felt for many weeks to come. Our people are still talking about it and have asked us to schedule another seminar in the near future. The workbook is an excellent learning aid and the study of prayer was one of the most exhaustive studies I have ever had the privilege to encounter. Our people really appreciated the day. I believe the great element of the seminar was your Spirit-filled leadership. God certainly has His hand of blessing upon your life and has equipped you for a unique and much needed ministry. I am happy to recommend you to any church that is serious about the importance of prayer. Thank you for sharing this day with the First Baptist Church family. It was truly a wonderful day!
    John W. Fleming, Associate Pastor
    First Baptist Church of Perrine
    Miami FL
        We in missions have long emphasized the vitalness of prayer if we are to be effective in the ministry to which God has called us. At the same time, it is easy to become so involved in ministry that we fail to pray personally as we ought. God uses Dr. Henry in a precious way to drive home this truth. In our opinion, you will not go wrong to schedule a prayer seminar with Dr. Henry at your earliest convenience.
    Birne D. Wiley, President
    Missionary Tech Team
    Longview TX
        Indeed, we know that prayer is the hardest work in the ministry. Therefore, it is strategic that in a place such as ours, where we equip full-time servants of Christ, that the students be aware of the greatest source of power, and yet the greatest area of conflict. Thank you, Dr. Henry, for your clear, concise, and convincing seminar that is based on the Word of God, for the honor and glory of Jesus Christ.
      Dr. Harry E. Fletcher, President
    Washington Bible College
    Lanham MD
        I would like to introduce the fine ministry of Dr. J. Gordon Henry and his Prayer Seminar to your church. Dr. Henry has developed the finest Prayer Seminar in our nation and it has expanded to an international scale. He is in constant demand across this country for this one-day seminar. Many people say that God moves in one day in the same manner as He would in a week of revival. The results of the seminar are outstanding. Dr. Henry is a very capable teacher, with the gift of preaching and teaching. Your people will be moved to a deeper commitment to Christ and their prayer lives. Just reading the Prayer Seminar Workbook brought a blessing to my life. In addition, Dr. Henry is one of the most interesting speakers I have ever heard. I know you will thank me for this recommendation when you experience the seminar.
    Dr. Ben D. Rogers, President
    Ben Rogers Evangelistic Association
    Jacksonville FL
        Dear Dr. Henry:
        Having just concluded your prayer seminar here at Goodfellow Air Force Base, we cannot thank you and God enough for the work God has done through you. It was a unanimous consensus that this was by far the best spiritual growth services we have had in memory.
       One chaplain who attended the prayer seminar, a seventeen-year service member, stated that he has never been part of a special series of services or workshops for spiritual growth that was better than the one you led us this past month.
       Dr. Henry, your prayer seminar ministry is perfectly suited for the military community. Its scope touches the need of Christians from all religious backgrounds. Your presentation is done with a sensitivity and conviction that does not offend the spiritual sensitivities of such a diverse group as a military chapel community, yet touches all involved with the challenge to walk closer to God.
       Your prayer seminar has infused spiritual life and excitement into our chapel program. People now have an interest to pray, learn about prayer and walk closer to God. The seminar not only challenged nominal Christians to take seriously their relationship to God but also your seminar opened the eyes of mature Christians who thought there wasn’t much more they could know about prayer.
       To the person, every participant of your seminar stated that they were touched by God through your ministry and that their prayer life took a definite turn for the better.
       We can only say thank you and thank God for your gracious ministry.
   Victor J. Toney
   Chaplain, Captain, USAF
   Protestant Chaplain
        Dear Dr. Henry:
        The prayer seminar you presented at Goodfellow AFB was absolutely outstanding! It was the highlight of this past chapel year. People are still talking about the favorable impact the Holy Spirit made upon their lives through your ministry.
       Your seminar was perfect for the military community. Each night we had every major denomination in attendance. Your appeal is clearly across the board to all Christians.
       I’ve been a military member and chaplain for 18 1/2 years. Never have I had such a life-changing impact on spiritual life of a chapel. I thought I had organized, systematic, daily prayer life. Little did I know all the room I had for improvement. It has been a month since the seminar and I know of a dozen people who are following what we learned in the seminar. My wife and I are included in the dozen. As a direct result of this seminar, we started a weekly prayer meeting.
       Your seminar brought new spiritual life into our Chapel. I highly recommend your seminar to any church or chapel.
   Charles Chris Seidlitz
   Chaplain, Lt. Col, USAF
   Center Chaplain
   Dear friend:
       I would like to encourage you in every way possible to have a prayer seminar with Dr. Henry.
       Dr. Henry’s personality is such that he ministers to all ages of people. He brings a wealth of information and experience about the topic of prayer. Combine that with his burden for praying people and you have one of the best and most practical seminars ever presented.
       I had the privilege of attending the seminar at our annual staff retreat in May. The seminar brought a fresh awakening to our Missionary Tech Team staff and to me about the importance of intercessory prayer. It was a real treat to be with Dr. Henry for a few days. In all our correspondence prior to the retreat, he was most enjoyable to work with.
       In my opinion, this is one seminar that is a must.
   Randy W. Harris
   Special Ministries
   Missionary Tech Team
   25 FRJ Drive
   Longview TX 75602
       Dear Brother Henry:
       Your ministry of conducting prayer seminars has been a blessing to those Conservative Baptist churches that have been host to them. The men of our state look forward to your ministry October 24-26, 1985.
        I urge others to consider this much much-needed emphasis on prayer.
       Your practical and forceful presentation on the subject is most effective. In a time when “programs” get most of the attention in our churches, I appreciate your call to prayer, reminding us that “the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” Many will profit from these meetings.
   Dr. Samuel B. Scales
   General Director
   Conservative Baptist Association of Pennsylvania
        For scheduling information and additional information about the seminar (including a sample packet the Prayer Seminar Workbook, letters of reference, and a planning guide), write or call:
    J. Gordon Henry Ministries
    1127 Lakeview Drive
    Lynchburg VA 24502-2807
    (434) 239-8837
   e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
   web address:

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